Posts Tagged ‘awareness’

Lessons in Surrender

Love pulls us more and more as we start living consciously. As we shed the old belief systems, release old ways of relating to people and responding in familiar conditioned patterns, the new Light of dawn continues to accelerate. Challenges continue as that is a part of this earth plane. However, faith is much stronger than these limited challenges. Divine love and faith keep us centered and balanced in the face of such telling situations. We continue to surrender more and more as we KNOW that these challenges are meant to make us surrender the parts of us that still require healing. Love and Light!

Radiating Love

For unconditional love to enter into our energy field, we need to release the negative energies that are ‘occupying’ it completely. The negative energy is very closely packed and very dense and hence requires a lot of inner work with awareness to be released. As it gets neutralized and dissolved, it allows the fresh flow of positivity to flow in. At any given moment, depending upon our thoughts and emotions, we are either allowing more space for positivity to flow in or covering the energies of guilt, blame, resentments, shame, lack of forgiveness, anger, jealousies etc with another layer. This is an ongoing process. Spiritual evolution entails ‘filling’ ourselves with love so that not only we glow with it but we glow to an extent that it radiates automatically to our surroundings and beyond.

Inner Transformation

Life in the earth school is a journey to discover our original soul qualities—purity, joy, bliss, power, love, compassion and peace. Once a person has had a glimpse of these qualities a shift takes place and inner transformation starts as Love pulls him more and more illuminating his path with greater awareness of these qualities. A slip here and there happens, not to bring down his vibration into duality but when an old wound requiring healing comes in the forefront. This is a very sensitive time and requires a deep level of awareness to release the old fear based reactions. Forgiveness, prayers and compassion always support this process.

Change with Acceptance

Change comes in various forms! Sometimes it comes as a gentle wind, a pat on our back and at other times it comes as a storm forcing us to adjust and adapt, and at a deeper level to shift our consciousness. There is little growth when we continue in our comfort zone or when we become too rigid and set in our ways. However, a major setback pushes us beyond our normal habits and attitudes. At that point, if we continue to resent and stay in the past, we lose an opportunity of growth that an experience was ‘meant’ to expose us. Gratitude and acceptance of all ‘that is’ opens more and more doors of ever expanding awareness.

Peace and calm

Responding to external situations from the permanent state of calm and peace is a process of evolution and requires perseverance, faith and dedication. The initial stages might seem challenging as the mind refuses to give up its identity. With continuous awareness and vigilance of our thoughts and emotions, the doors open for this process to unfold continuously till spiritual love takes over and we become Love like the Source.


We can always try to justify our behavior by blaming someone else for making us angry, but how can we blame others for making us jealous? Perhaps they are living the kind of life we’d always dreamed of. They may not even be aware of our distress and “green-eyed” observation. While we are suffering and feeling tormented, they are simply going along their merry way! Many jealous people resort to rationalization, claiming that the more fortunate person is “flaunting it” and showing off, but most are aware of the other’s innocence. Does it not feel strange when we look at it this way?

Home is where the heart is

‘Home is where the heart is.’ Yes, we have all heard that. At the spiritual level, it has a different connotation. As our heart opens through unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and through the continuous process of awareness of our ego, our beliefs, our emotions and our personalities, and releasing them in the Love and Light, we feel the divine connection and get closer to HOME, our Source. Then wherever we live in the physical world, our divine connection keeps us deeply rooted and grounded.  There is so much stillness within that physical territories lose their importance, the attachment to the family and friends reduce and NOTHING MATTERS. We are in our heart, relating with the outside world through our heart. We are always at HOME.  The soul has found its Home, the Source! Love and Light!

Spiritual Relationships

We often find that we respond to situations from our ego’s point of view, and get involved in the usual power games in our relationships. This is a habit we may do this consciously or unconsciously, and even with people who are dear to us, including our children. Many times we want to see a change in the behavior of our children. To do so, we relate to them in a particular way, again and again. And as parents usually discover, this just doesn’t seem to work! Most of the time, our expert advice bounces off the wall! Sometimes, it’s the parents’ behavior that needs to change too. The trick then is to break loose from habitual responses, first by becoming aware of the undercurrent of ego that drives them, and then by dealing with situations or relationships in a sympathetic and compassionate way. When we relate to our children differently, with poise and awareness, we get a different response.


We feel deprived when we desperately want a circumstance or a thing, and don’t get it. Usually the feeling of want will impel us to take steps toward feeling complete inside. When the stomach is full, we don’t need to eat more. But when we are hungry, the urge to eat is uppermost in our minds; it blanks out other thoughts and concerns. In the same way, when we are feeling complete because of our connection with the Divine Source, there is no burning desire to possess or own anything in the material world. One does not miss anything, so there is no question of feeling deprived. I don’t feel deprived of designer diamond jewelry, or a ritzier car, when I don’t even desire them. Freedom from feeling deprived in every sense underlies true freedom. Love and Light!


We judge people sometimes on their face and  at times silently in our minds. Let us analyze the kind of things we say and do when we judge! What kind of adjectives and adverbs we could use; what kind of facial expressions and body language signify judgment? This would bring to our awareness our habit of judging, observing ourselves and allow us to remove this block in our nature! Continue reading